
Questions to ETM3 about your Learning Experiences

ETM 3 members wrote about their experiences learning Englsh in junior high school and senior high school. Here are some questions that I asked them in their posts.

Karuha wrote that role play was her favorite ativity but my experience has been that many students in Japan do not like role play. I would like to ask Karuha how role play was carried out in her classes. Did students read a dialogue or did they improvise?

Kanage, as well as many other people in ETM 3, wrote that the only reason for studying English in high school was to pass the university entrance exam. I asked her if all her subjects in high school had similar objectives.

Many ETM 3 members wrote that studying for entrance exams was least valuable. I would like to know what was useful about studying for entrance exams?

Keichan wrote a very interesting post about her English learning experience. I asked Keichan whether or not the reason she became interested in English was her English teacher or her interest in English itself.

Kiki wrote that she did not like the monotonous repetition of words in her English class. I am curious as to what her alternative method is for studying words and whether it is possible to use this message for each word.


First Blogging Task: Our stories of studying English in secondary school

Please make a blog entry discussing your experience studying English in Junior High School and Senior High School. Your entry should include the following:
  • Your most enjoyable language learning experience at school and an explanation of why
  • Your least enjoyable language learning activity at school and an explanation of why
  • Your most valuable language learning activity at school and an explanation of why
  • Your least valuable language learning activity at school and an explanation of why
  • Overall, how would you rate your experience as an English learner?
  • The influence you think your language learning experience will have on your teaching
Please do the above by (Monday, April 23, 8PM)Please comment on a classmate's blog by Tuesday, April 24, 11PM and e-mail JH to say whose blog you commented on. Come to class prepared to discuss your own language learning experience and to compare it to the experiences of others.

English Teaching Methodology 3 Blog

We are an English Teaching Methodology course. We are located in the prefecture of Iwate which is in northern Japan. The class consists of 30 students; some of them plan on being English teachers, others plan on being elementary school teachers, and others plan on entering the private sector. We started on April 12 and we will finish the first week of August. All the students will have teacher training this September and this class will hopefully help prepare them for that.
Students will be blogging about their experience as language learners and teachers as well as be using these blogs as a means to exchange ideas and opinions about teaching English. We hope that you can join us!
This blog will be used as a portal to access the students' blogs as well as a means to present the week's blogging topics and showcase interesting student posts.
Below is our blogroll and feeds are to the right:
Ambition: http://half-field-february.blogspot.com/
Buchan: http://buchanshappylife.blogspot.com/
Chiita: http://chiitadata.blogspot.com/
Emiko: http://emikoblog.blogspot.com/
GENZAI-SHIN: http://you-do-not-eat.blogspot.com/
Nabeso: http://cheerfully.blogspot.com/
Hikkun: http://cool-struttin.blogspot.com/
Jasmine: http://dreaming-girl-jasmine.blogspot.com/
Jimbo: http://discussenglish.blogspot.com/
Kanage: http://totoro-kanage.blogspot.com/
Karuha: http://karuha-haruka-karuha.blogspot.com/
Keichan: http://keichansblog.blogspot.com/
Kiki: http://sooooo-nice.blogspot.com/
Knight's Night: http://knights-night.blogspot.com/
Manning: http://e1205012.blogspot.com/
Mayubo: http://mayuboo.blogspot.com/
Micchan: http://micchans-room.blogspot.com/
Micchi: http://ilikeenglish-micchi.blogspot.com/
Misato: http://misablog.blogspot.com/
Moomin: http://moomin-satona.blogspot.com/
Nakki: http://nakki-english-english.blogspot.com/
Naojin: http://naojinsblog.blogspot.com/
Noriharu: http://lupin-the-3rd.blogspot.com/
Pizza: http://pizza-english.blogspot.com/
RADISH: http://tsugaruben.blogspot.com/
Rozen: http://rozen-english-teaching-method.blogspot.com/
Satomin: http://s-m31105106.blogspot.com/
Scarlet: http://scarlet13.blogspot.com/
Shin: http://otokojuku.blogspot.com/
Wakame: http://enjoy-english.blogspot.com/